Friday, October 17, 2008

Name ki ba ase jay...

Well, i call my blog ulto-bujhli-ram.. cuz.. 

many things happens in life, for your betterment, maybe exclusively for you and brutal for others... but when u see those "others" u say "shame on it", get busy to console them... never knowing opportunities are flowing below ur f33t... 

maybe.. the things i write here are like those misinterpretations of my life... which i may understand when i'll look back ...


when it

will be....

a way too late....  

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bhuture chinta

i happy == u sad --(i)
i laugh == u cry ---(ii)
i enjoy == u bored-(iii)
.................................... -(n)

above are true from both sides of the equation... and vice versa...
then......why on earth do i know you?

the riddle may be easy to answer. but, the process of thinking caught in an infinite loop... can see the answer... can't reach it.. and worse than that... can't believe it...

at the end of the day... when u feel like u are a donkey who was chasing a carrot hung over your head.... trying to digest it is tough.. being a human... it may even turn u to a murderer....

dnt worry its not me...

its my mind....